Before I had the opportunity to write the first real post on this site – indeed, before this site was even founded – my garden received a visit from an uninvited guest.
It seems that my flashing ultrasonic animal deterrent device was not enough to deter this raccoon. He made his way through the garden, eventually settling in at the far side of it. There, he proceeded to dig up some asparagus sprouts and a garlic bulb.
I am honestly not sure what he was after. It doesn’t seem like he ate anything. My preliminary research suggests that raccoons don’t like the smell of garlic, so why he decided to dig up this garlic bulb is quite a mystery.
I’ve decided to improve my defenses a little bit by adding some additional metal fencing in the gap the raccoon used to enter and exit the garden. Those areas were not blocked off adequately, but they are now.
Fortunately, I don’t think he did any serious damage. The items he dug up were planted fairly recently, and everything has been replanted now!